Holland, Hannah
Hello and welcome to third grade! My name is Ms. Hannah Holland. My teaching philosophy is that every child deserves an opportunity to learn. I teach my students the importance of giving their best effort towards all they do. By focusing on growth versus grades, students can celebrate their learning while also changing their mindset towards learning. The ultimate goal of learning is growth; for the student to leave the classroom knowing more than when they entered.
All About Me!
I graduated from East Carolina University with a Bachelor’s Degree in Elementary Education, along with a Concentration in Reading, July of 2023. This is my first year teaching! My passion for teaching derives from my own experiences as a student. The impactful teachers I had, pushed me to pursue a teaching career. I believe what makes my approach unique is that I focus on the whole child. I understand that a student is more than the work they produce in class. Students need connection on a personal level first, in order to receive effective instruction.
Contact Information
You can contact me through my school email: hholland@sampson.k12.nc.us. You can also reach me through the app Remind. This app can be downloaded onto your phone or you can access it via text messaging or online. The code to join the 3rd grade class is as follows: @gkege2dd98.
I teach 3rd grade English Language Arts, which is a fancy way to say I teach reading. My curriculum is provided through Amplify (CKLA).
Third Grade Schedule
Block 1
(Carter- Recess 10:15-10:45)
Block 2
(Carter- Recess 10:45-11:15)
Block 3
(Carter- Recess 12:35-1:05)