Exceptional Children

Department Overview

Our mission is to assure that all students with disabilities develop mentally, physically, emotionally, and vocationally through the provision of an appropriate individualized education in the least restrictive environment.

Students with disabilities in the Sampson County Schools system receive Exceptional Children's (EC) services based on the individual educational need for specially designed instruction when standard instruction with accommodation is not appropriate. The services emphasize maximum participation in typical settings for students three through twenty-two years of age. Services are provided according to the federal mandates of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and North Carolina Public School Law, Article 9 regulations as written in Procedures Governing Programs and Services for Students with Disabilities.

Students receive services in typical school settings from highly qualified professionals who receive ongoing professional development. Students receive services in varying amounts of time depending on their individual need. Amounts of service range from consultation and resource level instructional intervention focused on the North Carolina Common Core State Standards and the North Carolina Essential Standards to full-time specially designed instruction with related services or more restrictive services such as hospital-homebound if required. All service decisions are specified in an Individualized Education Program (IEP) jointly developed by parents and school teams. Determination of the need for special education and related services is determined through a comprehensive, multi disciplinary evaluation process. The Exceptional Children's program provides necessary services and supports to students to implement the educational program and assure that students' and parents' rights are followed in this process.

Dr. Alicia Brophy-Dick

Dr. Alicia Brophy-Dick

Director For Exceptional Children

Email Alicia Brophy-Dick

Phone: 910.592.1401,    ext. 20135

Degrees & Certifications:

Ph.D. in Special Education, UNC Charlotte

M.Ed. in Special Education, Auburn University

B.S. in Speech Language Pathology and Audiology, Auburn University

MindSet Certified Trainer

Tamica Atkinson photo

Tamica Atkinson

Administrative Assistant

Email Tamica Atkinson

Phone:  910-592-1401, ext. 20127