School Board Members

Our Mission​

Sampson County Schools in collaboration with home and community will prepare and graduate all students to become productive citizens in a globally competitive and digital world.​

Our Vision​

Sampson County Schools will empower all students to be successful in college and career.


Dedicated to Continuous Improvement​

Group photo

The Sampson County Schools Board Work Session and Regular Board Meetings are open to the public with a limited number of seats, temperatures must be taken, social distancing and a mask is required. 

To view Board Meeting Agendas and Minutes, Visit eBoard Website.

Feel free to contact us at Email School Board.

School Board Members 2024-2025

Daryll Warren

Daryll Warren

Board Chair

910-592-1401, ext. 20164

Email Mr. Warren

Sonya Powell

Sonya Powell

Vice Chair

910-592-1401, ext. 20171

Email Mrs. Powell

Eleanor Bradshaw

Eleanor Bradshaw

910-592-1401, ext. 20166

Email Mrs. Bradshaw

Robert Burley

Robert Burley 

910-592-1401, ext. 20167

Email Mr. Burley

Glenn Faison

Glenn Faison

910-592-1401, ext. 20169

Email Mr. Faison

Jennifer Naylor

Jennifer Naylor

910-592-1401, ext. 201

Email Mrs. Naylor

Kim Schmidlin

Kim Schmidlin

910-592-1401, ext. 20170

Email Mrs. Schmidlin

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Poyner Spruill Law Firm, Board Attorney