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Not every student comes into the classroom with the same foundation for learning, but they all deserve the opportunity to engage in instruction at similar levels of understanding. Amplify Core Knowledge Language Arts (CKLA) doesn’t rely on activating prior knowledge—instead, it builds a breadth of knowledge and vocabulary systematically across coherent topics that connect and grow as students progress.

Mia is just one of many students at Salemburg Elementary in Sampson County, NC, who found a passion for reading in the classroom.

What was the key? Ms. Denning, an attentive educator, bonded with Mia and helped accelerate her literacy journey using the Amplify early literacy suite.

Like Ms. Denning, you’re shaping young minds and setting them up for success in elementary school and beyond—and we’re here to help you do that!

“Giving a child the ability to read and helping them to start that journey and to be successful as a reader unlocks so much magic and unlocks an entire world of possibilities for them.” - Jenny Denning, Grade 2 Teacher, Salemburg Elementary School, Sampson County, North Carolina

Strong core instruction grounded in the Science of Reading is crucial, but that’s not enough. To be powerful and effective, a literacy system needs to bring together assessment, curriculum, intervention, personalized learning, and professional development. And Amplify  CKLA has done exactly that with our early literacy suite.