group of staff wearing orange

Sampson County Schools central office and school nutrition staff wore orange on October 18 in support of National Unity Day.

Why the color orange? 

Unity Day is celebrated in October, and orange is a color commonly identified with the month and the autumn season. It is also a color that is associated with safety and visibility. It is a color described as warm and inviting, and its vibrancy makes an impactful statement.

About Unity Day

Unity Day is the flagship event of National Bullying Prevention Month which is celebrated in October. The day calls on all of us to unite in kindness, inclusion, and courage in order to prevent bullying wherever it may occur. The day places particular emphasis on bullying in schools and in online spaces. These spaces are where many children are bullied and this is what the day aims to eradicate. It promotes kindness, acceptance and inclusion. On average, one in five students between the ages of twelve and eighteen are bullied in school. This number is unacceptable and Unity Day seeks to bring it down to zero.