Turlington with school

Congratulations to Angela Turlington, 7th grade English teacher at Midway Middle School who was announced today as the 2024 Sampson County Schools’ Teacher of the Year. 

With a combined total of 15 years serving as a classroom teacher and an assistant principal, Mrs. Turlington has spent the past two years teaching at Midway Middle school. Prior to coming to Midway, she worked with Harnett County and Johnston County Schools for 13 years as an assistant principal and classroom teacher.

“Although I enjoyed my time as an assistant principal for seven years, my heart is with the children in the classroom,” said Turlington. “I feel like I can make more of a difference working directly with the children as their teacher. Being a teacher has been one of the most rewarding things I’ve done.” 

At Midway Middle, Mrs. Turlington serves as the school’s Student Government Association (SGA) advisor. She is particularly proud of the SGAs work to have a Spirit Rock installed at the school. Mrs. Turlington also serves as Raider Club leader at Midway Middle. 

“The SGA members came to me about having a spirit rock,” recalls Turlington. “I told them I would help them with whatever was needed to bring the project to life. Honestly, the students did the majority of the work, such as coming up with the plan, reaching out to sponsors, and helping decide on the location for the rock. I was more like their cheerleader for the project.”

Mrs. Turlington’s professional experiences include work as a Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) lead team member; PBIS works as a proactive approach to establishing the behavioral supports and social culture needed for all students in a school to achieve social, emotional, and academic success, and a Response to Intervention (RTI) lead team member to support students with learning and behavior needs. 

Turlington received her Master of School Administration as a North Carolina Principals Fellow from Fayetteville State University and her Bachelor of Science degree in Middle Grades Education from Fayetteville State University. She has additional certifications in grades 6-9 Mathematics and grades K-6 Elementary Education. 

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