Downloadable/printable copy of the lists here >
6th Grade:
Language Arts:
2 Black marble composition notebooks
(1) 5-subject spiral notebook
(1) 3-prong pocket folder
(1) Spiral notebook
(1) pack of looseleaf paper
(6) pocket folders in these colors (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple)
Social Studies:
(1) 5-subject notebook
(4) pocket folders
Supplies to be given to the Homeroom Teacher:
1 Box of Tissues
1 Roll of Paper Towels
1 Container of Hand Sanitizer
1 Container of Clorox Wipes
$25 Technology Fee
General Supplies to be Used in All Classes: These will need to be replenished as the student runs out. Students are responsible for keeping up with their own supplies in their bookbags!
Zipper Pouch to place the following in:
Pencils (Any Style) (Also, there is a pencil vending machine at school - 25 cents)
Glue Sticks
Colored Pencils
Red Ink Pen
Teacher Wishlist (optional)
Wrapped candy for class prizes, Dry Erase Markers, Chart Paper, Extra Tissues/Wipes, Pencils, Sticky Notes, Stickers
7th Grade:
Language Arts
- 5 subject composition book with pocket dividers – Mrs. Harris's class
- 3-ring binder with 3 dividers – Ms. Stringfield's class
- Marble composition book- Ms. Stringfield's class
- Marble composition book
- Social Studies
- Pocket folder
- 3 ring binder, 5 dividers, pencil pouch -Mrs. Smith’s class
- 5 subject college ruled composition book- Mr. Bristow’s class
General supplies for student’s use in the classroom
- Earbuds to be left at school
- Loose-leaf paper
- Pencils
- Blue, and black ink pens
- Colored pencils
- Crayons
- Glue sticks
- Scissors
- Index cards
- Box of tissues- homeroom teacher
- $25.00 Technology Fee
8th Grade:
Language Arts
- Binder
- Composition notebook or 1-subject spiral notebook
- Loose-leaf paper
- Pencils
- Pens
- Colored pencils or marker
- 3-ring binder
- Notebook paper
- Pencils
- Ink pens
- Colored pencils
- Highlighters
- (1) 1.5" 3-ring binder
- 3-subject spiral notebook
- Pocket folder
- Pencils & erasers
- Glue sticks
- Index cards
- Colored pencils and a sharpener
- Pencil pouch
- Earbuds and a small case to keep them in
Social Studies
- 5-subject spiral notebook
- Pens
- Pencils
- Colored pencils/markers
- 3x5 index cards
- Optional: personal mini stapler