photo of leslie cain

The Sampson County Schools’ Exceptional Children Department is proud to announce Leslie Cain as Sampson County Schools' nominee for the 2023 Exceptional Children Educator of Excellence Award. 

She will represent Sampson County at the statewide annual conference this October in Greensboro. This conference is a gathering of educators and experts from across the state dedicated to advancing exceptional children’s education.

Mrs. Cain is an exceptional children's teacher at Union Elementary School with over 22 years of experience as a teacher. She began her teaching career with Sampson County Schools in August 2001 at Union Elementary School, where she also did her student teaching. 

She said she was honored to be selected as the Exceptional Children Educator of Excellence. 

“I love my school and the children I have the opportunity to work with,” said Cain. “I am blessed to have supportive co-workers. We all are motivated to support UES students in achieving their full potential. My students work incredibly hard, and I am very proud of them and the effort they put in.”

As a leader in the classroom, Mrs. Cain sets the bar high for instruction in her classroom. "Leslie is a great example of how to differentiate lessons so that she can include each student in her class. She teaches both the goals on the student’s Individualized Education Plan and grade standards as close as possible to the student's level,” shared a school colleague. 

Mrs. Cain serves as an advocate for her students and their families with grace and compassion. "Leslie treats all of her students equally; she's never demonstrated favoritism. She gives them whatever they need whether they are academic needs, physical needs, behavioral needs, or social and emotional skills. She collaborates well with colleagues, she's involved with school activities, she's participated in the school improvement team, and has been a grade-level chair. She's a leader at her school and an advocate for all students,” said another school colleague. 

"Leslie is organized and always meets the needs of her students. She puts them first and works with limited resources. She never complains and always has a positive outlook! She's knowledgeable about the EC process and the law. She has infinite patience, she's flexible and willing to try any kind of intervention or suggestion. Leslie's always open and willing to do what is best for her students,” said a colleague from another school.  

SCS Director of Exceptional Children Dr. Alicia Brophy-Dick shared, “I have enjoyed getting to know Mrs. Cain, and visiting her classroom is always a highlight of my day. Her deep passion and love for students is contagious, and the staff and families of students with whom she works speak very highly of her skillset. She is an amazing asset to our Exceptional Children's family in Sampson County and we are lucky to call her one of our own!”

Cain received her bachelor’s in early childhood education along with a special education certification from the University of North Carolina at Wilmington.